Shawn Deel – Superb Longhorn Wakaskatsina or Cow
Shawn Deel was featured in our article in the October/ November issue of Native American Art magazine. This Wakaskatsina or Cow by Shawn is as good as any in the article. It is a fine example of him working in the “Traditional-Realistic Style.” The carving is one of his largest katsinam at 17″ tall to the top of the feather. The katsina features a great deal of his exceptional realistic details such as Kingman turquoise bits wrapped around the right wrist and a tiny hand cast ring with coral on the right hand. His concho belt is made of hand-stamped and blackened conchos with old Mediterranean coral. The coral came from Shawn’s mother who had these pieces for over 40 years. He is wearing a handmade leather kilt, armbands and moccasin fringe. Many feathers appear on this katsina including peacock, parrot, and duck. The horns are elk and are so wide (11″) as to make this Cow a “Longhorn.” It is signed on the left foot, “S Deel.” One of his best – which is saying something.