Aaron Fredericks – Large Palhikwmana
Aaron Fredericks has been an accomplished katsina artist for decades. He was born in Shungopavi and is Bearstrap Clan. Aaron comes from a distinguished family of katsina carvers. His great-grandfather was Charles Fredericks, whose brother was Tawaquaptewa. The second husband of Aaron’s grandmother, Agnes, was Jimmie Kewanwytewa. No surprise that he’s exceptionally talented in his own right. He has won many prizes at various Indian art markets and museum fairs.
This Palhikwmana is quite large. She is represented as in dance motion. The carving is 16″ tall not including the white-tufted feathers which add 2″. It is 8″ wide. The figure is wearing tu’oynaaqa earrings and a shell necklace with heishi. It is signed on both feet with his initials and clan symbols. A real work of katsina art.