1920s Qa’okatsina or Corn – Unusual Variant
There are many variants of Hopi Corn Katsinam as corn is so fundamental to life on Hopiland. I’ve not seen this version before, but it appears to be a Corn katsina given the circles – which often symbolize corn. And the circles are red, yellow, and blue, the colors of different Hopi corn strains. Others have said the circles may represent flowers.
This beautiful old katsina is from the 1920s as indicated by the hands in the “ponotutuyqa” or “one with a stomachache” position. The katsina has its original base from the 1920s made from a wood crate. I was able to identify the company of the crate. It is the Dennison Co., from Framingham MA, which was in business from 1844-1990. The partial words on the base include portions of “Dennison” and “Framingham.” A very distinctive and strong appearing katsina.
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