Jimmie Koots – Erotic Kokopolo or Kokopelli – SOLD
I have often referred to James Kootshongsie (aka Jimmie Koots) as the greatest comic carver of all time. Part of his comic repertoire was erotic examples. He had a gallery owner customer in Santa Fe named Bill Dutton who encouraged such carvings. This Kokopelli is quite dramatic. His phallus is longer than this upturned nose. The carving is 7 1/4″ tall and 3 3/4″ wide. The length of the phallus is 1 1/4″. He has the typical humped back of a Kokopelli. For more on Koots, see my book, “The Great Tradition of Hopi Katsina Carvers, 1880 – Present.” 2019, Rio Nuevo Publishers.